Miodrag Mica Popovic (Loznica, 12 June 1923 – Belgrade, 22 December 1996) was a painter, art critic, writer, film director, academician of SASA and a member of the Crown Council.
He was a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Department of Fine Arts and Music, as a corresponding member since 16 November 1978, and as a regular member since 12 December 1985, and a member of the following committees: Committee for the Third Millennium; Committee for the Study of Kosovo; SANU Endowment Commission
Recognitions: Award for Painting at the October Salon in Belgrade (1951); Matica Srpska Award (1962); Award for Painting in Rijeka (1963); Annals in Rovinj (1965); Honorary Citizen of Loznica (1989); Ravna Gora Award for Painting (1995); Royal Order of the White Eagle 1st degree (posthumous)
Inspired by his significant work, the “Mica Popović” art award was launched by the Fund for the Affirmation of Creativity from Belgrade in those areas in which Mica Popovic worked – painting, literature, theater and film. The award is given under the auspices of the Municipal Assembly of Stari Grad – Belgrade.