Prof. Dr. Pavle Nikolic Dr.h.c., C, Dr.iur., prof. Emeritus of the Belgrade University. Honoris causa Doctorate of the University of Rouen (France). Honorary Professor of Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario of Bogota (Colombia, 1984), and Honorary Member of the Colombian Association for Constitutional Right. Founding Member and Secretary General of the International Association for Constitutional Law (1981/93), and Vice-President of the same Association since 1993. Founding Member and Vice-President of the International Academy of Constitutional Law (1984/96). Member of the Scientific Society of Serbia. Associate Professor of the Paris I University (Pantheon-Sorbonne) and of the Fribourg University (Switzerland). Was Vice-Dean of the Law Faculty of the Belgrade University, and Head of the Chair of the Political Sciences. Was Director of the Institute for Juridical and Social Sciences of the same Faculty, and. Constitutional Court of Serbia Judge.
Born in 1928 in Belgrade. Has a son. Resides in Belgrade, Serbia. He lead ten doctoral and postgraduate courses, and gave 53 conferences at 42 Universities in 18 countries (among others: France, Poland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Russia, Iraq, Mexico, Egypt, Algeria, Switzerland, Germany, Colombia, Japan, Tunisia, Greece, Netherlands, China, etc.). Participated as general national representative at more than 40 congresses and international conferences. Published 170 works, studies and articles. Published books: Constitutional Law, Federation and Federal Units, Parliamentary System, Federal Parliament in the Constitutional and Political System of Yugoslavia, De le dèsagrègation jusqu’au dèsespoire et l’espoire, etc.