Physician and academician, born in Krusevac, 26 July 1920, and died in Belgrade, 12 November 2008, longtime professor at the Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade, full professor (since 1976); Head of the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (1971–1980).
He was an academician of SASA and a member of the Crown Council, and his field of work was orthopedic surgery and traumatology. In addition, he was a Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of the White Eagle and a Knight of the Legion of Honor.
He was a member of the Department of Medical Sciences: corresponding member from 15 December 1983 and regular from 27 October 1994. He had been a member of the Academia Medica di Roma since 1990 and the SLD Medical Academy since 1971.
With his membership in SASA, he contributed to the work of: the Committee for the Dictionary of Serbo-Croatian Literary and Folk Language; Committee for Monitoring the Development of Medical Science in Serbia, Committee for Traumatology in Emergency Conditions, Founder and Chairman, Committee for Kopaonik Issues and Committee for Language and Terminology of Medicine.
During his life he was awarded the following recognitions:
- Purkinian Medal
- Freyk Medal (Brno University),
- Priorov Medal (CITO University of Moscow),
- Roman Medical Academy Medal, etc.
- Winner of the Seventh of July Award, 1991;
- Legions of Honor (Ordre National de la legion d ‘Honneur);
- Order of Labor with a Golden Wreath, 1991.
He was an honorary member of the SICOT Association of Orthopedists of France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Germany and Hungary. Member of the International Organization of Surgeons and the “International College of Surgery”.
His sons are academician Vladimir Bumbasirevic and Marko Bumbasirevic, physicians and professors at the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade.