Feodor Nikitich Romanov
later Filaret, Patriarch of Moscow
*1553 †1633
∞ circa 1585 Kseniya Ioannovna (Ivanovna) Shestova, boyarinya
*? 1560 †1631
Michael I (Mikhail I, Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov)
Tsar and Autocrator of All the Russias (1613-1645)
*1596 †1645
∞ 1626 Evdokia Stryeshneva (also transliterated Eudoxia Streshnyova, Yevdokiya Lukyanovna Streshnyova)
*1608 – †1645
Alexei (Alexis)
Tsar and Autocrator of All the Russias (1645-1676)
*1629 †1676
∞ 1671 Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina
*1651 †1694
Peter I the Great
Tsar and Autocrator, jointly with Ivan V (1682-1696)
Tsar and Autocrator of Russias, alone (1696-1725)
Emperor and Autocrator (1721-1725)
*1672 †1725
∞ 1712 Marta Skavronska, later Catherine I (Ekaterina I),
Empress of All the Russias (1725-1727)
*1684 †1727
Anna Petrovna,
Tsesarevna of Russia
*1708 †1728
∞ 1725 Charles Frederick, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp
*1700 †1739
Peter III
Emperor and Autocrator of All the Russias (1762)
*1728 †1762
∞ 1745 Sophie Friederike August, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst,
later known as Catherine II (Ekaterina II) the Great, Empress of All the Russias (1762-1796)
*1729 †1796
Paul I
Emperor and Autocrator of All the Russias (1796-1801)
*1754 †1801
∞ 1776 Sophie Dorothea, Princess of Württemberg,
later known as Maria Fyodorovna
*1759 †1828
Nicholas I (Nikolai I)
Emperor and Autocrator of All the Russias (1825-1855)
*1796 †1855
∞ 1817 Charlotte of Hohenzollern, Princess of Prussia, later known as Alexandra Feodorovna
*1798 †1860
Constantine, Grand Duke of Russia, General-Admiral of the Fleet
*1827 †1892
∞ 1848 Alexandra, Princess of Saxe-Altenburg
*1830 †1911
Olga Constantinovna, Grand Duchess of Russia
Queen-Regent of Greece (1920)
*1851 †1926
∞ 1867 William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, afterwards
George I King of the Hellenes (1863-1913)
*1845 †1913
Constantine I King of Hellenes (1913-1917 and 1920-1922)
*1868 †1923
∞ 1889 Sophie of Hohenzollern, Princess of Prussia
*1870 †1932
Alexander I
King of Hellenes (1917-1920)
*1893 †1920
∞ 1919 Aspasia Manos
*1896 †1972
Princess of Greece (Aleksandra, as Queen of Yugoslavia)
*1921 †1993