“Considering the situation created by illegitimate acts and the violent actions of revolutionary political groups that usurped legislative, executive and judicial power in the enslaved fatherland during and immediately after World War II, referring to the provisions of the Constitution for the Kingdom of Serbia from 1903, and the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1931, bearing in mind the situation caused by the illegitimate and illegal Decree by the so-called Presidency of the Presidium of the National Assembly of 1947, by which the constitutional Ruler, his descendants and the members of the Royal House of the Karadjordje’s Dynasty were deprived of their natural right to the home, fatherland and heritage, in the capacity of Holder of the Serbian and Yugoslav Thrones and bearer of royal powers according to the articles of the Constitution for the Kingdom of Serbia of 1903 and the articles of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of 1931, and as the Head of the Royal House of the Karadjordje’s Dynasty
I have decided and I am deciding
to prescribe
referring to the
of April 5, 1930
- The composition of the Royal House is determined by the provision of the first paragraph of Article 38 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
It is established that on the date of adoption of these amendments, in terms of the previous paragraph, the Royal House is and will be:
- a) The Line of the Heir and Holder of the Throne, who is both the Head of the House and the Holder of Royal Powers, and which consists of: the Wife of the Heir to the Throne, the Hereditary Prince, the eldest son of the Heir to the Throne, the brothers of the Hereditary Prince, as well as the wives of the sons of the Heir to the Throne and their descendants in the direct line with their wives, and female offspring in the direct line until their marriage.
- b) The line of sons of the late Knight King Alexander I the Unifier, which consists of:
b-1) / branch of Prince Tomislav, consisting of Prince Tomislav, his wife and his sons with their wives, the daughter of Prince Tomislav who is a member of the Royal House by birth, and by marriage according to the Royal will, in a personal and non-transferable capacity, and female descendants of his male descendants in the direct line by marriage;
b-2) / the branch of Prince Andrej, which consists of the wife of Prince Andrej, his sons with their wives and their descendants in the direct line, the daughter of Prince Andrej, who is a member of the Royal House by birth, and by marriage according to the Royal will, in personal and by inalienable property, and the female descendants of his male descendants in the direct line until their marriage;
- c) The line of Prince Paul, which consists of:
v-1 / branch of Prince Alexander, his wife, his sons and their wives and their male descendants in the direct line to the second line of descent, and the daughter
Prince Alexander and the female descendants of his sons in the direct line up to the third hereditary degree until their marriage;
v-2 / branch of Princess Elisabeth, who is a member of the Royal House by birth, and by marriage according to the Royal Will, in a personal and non-transferable capacity.
- In accordance with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1931. and Article 57, paragraph 2 of the Constitution for the Kingdom of Serbia from 1903, the inheritance of the Throne belongs to the King’s male offspring from a legal marriage in order of first birth.
If the Reigning King leaves no male offspring from a lawful marriage, the succession passes to the collateral line in the male offspring in the same order of primogeniture.
- The Holder of Royal Powers, Heir and Holder of the Throne and Head of the Royal House, is the protector of all members of the Royal House.
He determines the rank of members of the Royal House.
- The sons of the Reigning King, that is, the Head of the Royal House, are Princes, which translates into English as “Prince Royal”. The royals can use the title “Royal Prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia” or “Prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia”, which translates into English as “Prince Royal of Yugoslavia and of Serbia” or “Prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia”, according to their personal choice.
Descendants in the direct line of any of the rulers from the House of Karadjordje have the right to the title “Prince” or “Princess of Yugoslavia and Serbia”, which translates into English as “Prince” or “Princess of Yugoslavia and of Serbia”.
The first-born male descendants of Prince in the direct line have the right to the title “Prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia”, which translates into English as “Prince of Yugoslavia and of Serbia”. Other descendants of Prince in the direct line have the right to the title “Prince” or “Princess of Serbia”, which translates into English as “Prince” or “Princess of Serbia”.
Descendants in the direct line of Prince Alexander listed in Article 1, paragraph 2 of this Rulebook under “v” have the right to the title “Prince” or “Princess of Yugoslavia”, which is translated into English as “Prince” or “Princess of Yugoslavia”. After the second line of descent, the descendants of Prince Alexander will bear the title “Prince” or “Princess Karadjordjevic”, which translates into English as “Prince” or “Princess Karageorgevich”.
All members of the Royal House from the line of Heirs and Holders of the Throne will have the right to the qualification “Kraljevsko Visocanstvo”, which translates into English as “Royal Highness”.
In the line of the sons of the blessed Knight King Alexander I the Unifier:
— The royals have the qualification “Kraljevsko Visocanstvo”, which translates into English as “Royal Highness”;
— The male descendants of Prince in the direct line of primogeniture, and the male descendants in the direct line up to the second hereditary line of descent, bear the qualification “Kraljevsko Visocanstvo”, which translates into English as “Royal Highness”.
— The male descendants of Prince in the direct line outside the line of primogeniture after the second line of descent have the qualification “Svetlo Visocanstvo”, which translates into English as “Serene Highness”.
In the line of the blessed Prince Paul, Prince Alexander, his male descendants in the direct line, his daughter until marriage and his sister have the qualification of “Royal Highness”. After the second line of succession, the descendants of Prince Alexander will have the qualification “Svetlo Visocanstvo”, which translates into English as “Serene Highness”.
English translation of titles and qualifications is valid when translated into any other language.
- Without obtaining the opinion of the Head of the House, no member of the Royal House can perform any act or procedure of public importance.
The Head of the House makes sure by all means that the rules and considerations of honor, order and exemplary behavior, worthy of the Royal House, always rule in the Royal House without exception.
- All members of the Royal House are obliged to consider and respect the Heir and Holder of the Throne and Holder of Royal Powers as the Head of their House and assist Him in performing his eldership task with perfect and impeccable loyalty and obedience.
- No member of the Royal House can marry without the prior consent and approval of the Head of the House.
A marriage concluded contrary to the above rule entails exclusion from the Royal House, deprivation of honors and privileges given to members of the Royal House, as well as revocation of the right to the title and qualification given by this Rulebook.
- The approval of the Head of the House for the marriage or for the marriage of a member of the Royal House is issued in the form of his letter to that member of the House. Copies of the letter are delivered by the Head of the House to His Holiness the Patriarch of Serbia and the Crown Council.
- The authority of the Head of the House over the members does not end with the creation of a separate house of any member of the House.
Violation of the provisions of this Rulebook in the management of a separate house by any member of the House entitles the Head of the House to take the necessary measures according to this Rulebook.
- Is suspended until further notice.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- Is suspended.
- The bearer of royal powers has the unlimited right to keep the order of the Royal House worthy of all the means at his disposal.
- The Royal Council is established to assess and document disciplinary proceedings. The Royal Council includes, under the presidency of the Holder of Royal Powers, the Heir and Holder of the Throne and the Head of the House, the Hereditary Prince, if he is of legal age, members of the Royal House who have reached the age of 18, the Serbian Patriarch, the Chancellor of the Crown Council, the oldest member of the Crown Council, one member of the Crown Council at the invitation of the Holder of Royal Powers and the oldest member of the Privy Council. It is within the power of the Holder of Royal Powers to take disciplinary action according to the regulations of this Rulebook, or when he finds it necessary, to present it, for the sake of advice, to the assessment and discussion of this Royal Council.
- Disciplinary penalties, which will be used by the Holder of Royal Powers and the Head of the House in the administration of the Royal House, are:
a) Warning, confidential or public for all members of the Royal House, which is written down;b) Reprimand, confidential or public for all members of the Royal House, which is written down;
c) Is suspended.
d) Is suspended.
e) Exclusion from the Royal House for a shorter or longer time, by regulation, confidential, known only to the members of the Royal House, or completely public, which is communicated to the public with reasons;
f) Exclusion from the Royal House. In the case of such a penalty, a hearing of the Royal Council is necessary.
Publicity among the members of the Royal House means the announcement of the disciplinary penalty in question to all members of the Royal House.
- Any penalty that the Holder of Royal Powers and the Head of the Royal House pronounces on a member of his Royal House, He can, at his discretion, revoke, when such a measure is justified by the reasons for repairing or destroying the causes that caused the penalty. The Royal Council is also heard in this case, if the case is mentioned above in Article 21 under “dj”.
- Disputes between members of the Royal House cannot go to court. The Royal Council has the duty to do everything to settle such a dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved in that way, a special Electoral Court, composed of three judges, of which the President is appointed by the Head of the House, and one judge for each litigant from among the members of the Royal House or the members of the Royal Council, finally adjudicates the dispute. The party that is judged not to obey will be punished with penalties under “d” and “dj” of Article 20, at the discretion of the Head of the House.
- The Head of the House, by a special act, appoints among the members of the Royal House the acting Head of the House in the event that the principle of inheritance by male primogeniture creates the possibility that in the next generation the one to whom the Headship of the Royal House
The home by right belongs to a minor. The Head of the House will report his decision in writing to the Royal Council.
The Acting Head of the House appointed in the above manner will perform his duties until the Heir to the Throne comes of age. The Acting Head of the Home may not impose the penalty specified in Article 20 of this Rulebook under “dj”.
- Is suspended.
- The Holder of the Royal Powers, the Heir to the Throne and the Head of the House retain the right to make changes and additions to this Rulebook according to the circumstances when they see fit, as well as to issue decisions in agreement with the Royal Council for all more important and unforeseen cases.
- This Rulebook enters into force from today and becomes mandatory immediately.
In London ALEXANDER, sgd.
On Easter 1997