Thousands of Christmas gifts for orphans in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, provided by donations to Lifeline Humanitarian Organization of Chicago, whose Patron for over 30 years is HRH Crown Princess Katherine, arrived at the Royal Compound in Belgrade today. The generous donors of Lifeline Chicago, together with the Board members of this Humanitarian Organization, made it possible again this year for the children to feel the love and joy of Christmas in this holiday season of hope and peace.

HRH Crown Princess Katherine is very grateful that the tradition of bringing joy to orphans for Christmas continues again this holiday season, as Lifeline Chicago has been overseeing and organizing this big project for many years. Thousands of gifts for the upcoming Christmas holiday, including clothing, shoes, toys, hygiene bags, and school supplies, just arrived at the Royal Complex and are being prepared for the holiday receptions that will be held for the children.

Thanks to the donors and benefactors of Lifeline Chicago, The Crown Princess Katherine Foundation will be able to organize the Christmas holiday receptions once again at The White Palace to bring happiness and cheer to over one thousand orphans, children with difficulties in intellectual development, and socially vulnerable children. This is a tradition that TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine started immediately after their return to their homeland in 2001.

Lifeline Humanitarian Organization of Chicago receives donations to purchase gifts for the children for the Christmas holidays, while other donors and benefactors purchase gifts for the children directly and donate the gifts to Lifeline Chicago, all to be distributed to the children at the Christmas receptions at The White Palace each year.  Lifeline Chicago also made certain that Christmas packages which are to be delivered directly to the institutions that assist orphans, were prepared for the holidays, as well. It needs to be emphasized that a tremendous amount and dedication is put into each present by the donors, benefactors, volunteers, and Board members of Lifeline Chicago.  What makes each present even more special is that the gift for each child is personalized per age, gender, and clothing and shoe sizes.  When the children in these Homes receive a festive holiday package with their name written on it, they know that there is someone across the globe who cares deeply for them.

“Thanks to the support of our donors and the wonderful people from Lifeline Chicago who continue the tradition of supporting our children all these years, my Foundation in Belgrade and I are looking forward to once again bringing happiness to more than 1,000 children. We are very grateful to all of them, for making it possible to bring the spirit of Christmas to the youngest and to enrich their childhood.

Our children always need to know that they are loved. We have no right to forget them, or to ignore the moment to give them a chance to receive this special gift. There is nothing in the world more precious than a smile on the face of a child, receiving this precious gift, knowing that they have not been forgotten. As the Christmas season is the time of giving, it is the perfect moment for us all to feel and share the joy of giving,” said HRH Crown Princess Katherine.

Ms. Donna M. Sekulich, Esq, the President of Lifeline Humanitarian Organization of Chicago stated “With great joy, peace and love the office of Lifeline Chicago extends best wishes and profound thanks to each and every one of our dedicated donors, benefactors and supporters for once again making a Magical Christmas Season for the children in Serbia.  As each gift is given, the children with their dazzling smiles and squeals of delight, know that you remembered them.  This is the true spirit of the Season.  No child should be forgotten and through your esteemed generosity, they were all recipients. Lifeline Chicago believes! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!”