Dr Dragica Vilotic, full professor at the Faculty of Forestry at Belgrade University

Born on 1955 in Zemun. Graduated from Primary and Secondary School in Obrenovac She entered the Faculty of Forestry at Belgrade University in 1974/75 and graduated in 1979 with GPA 10. Enrolled for her graduate studies in 1980/81 and graduated in 1987 with Master Thesis “Anatomy of Trunk and Root of Fir Tree (Abies alba Mill) from Goc Mountain from Germ to Beginning of Secondary Fattening”. She defended her Ph. D. Thesis “Anatomy of Virgilian Oak Tree (Quercus Virgiliana/Ten./Ten.) in Different Areas of Deliblato Sandy Terrain, on 18 July 1992 at the Faculty of Forestry at Belgrade University. In 1993 she was chosen as assistant professor, then in 1998 as associate professor and in 2003 as full professor. She lectures freshmen courses: Forestry Botany and Anatomy of Trees.

She was the tutor for many graduate theses. She was the student advisor for many masters and doctors thesis. She participated in numerous committees for defending master’s and doctor’s thesis at the Forestry Faculty and other faculties of Belgrade and Novi Sad University.

She co-authored student textbook “Botany” for 1st and 2nd grade of Forestry Secondary School, co-author of textbook “Biology” for entrance examination for the Forestry Faculty of Belgrade, author of University textbook “Comparative Anatomy of Woods”, author of monograph “Ginko” and co-author of monograph “Excursion Flora of Woods of Serbia” and “Omorika – Picea omorika in the area of Tara National Park”. She published 7 books and textbooks so far and 3 monographs.

For student’s needs she made a macroscopic collection of samples of forest species that she continually expands, as well as numerous slides of macroscopic and microscopic slides of economically important species of trees.

So far, she has published and exposed altogether 148 works both individually or in cooperation with other authors. Her articles are published in leading magazines of national importance and in monographs. She participated in the realization of numerous scientific-research projects and she coordinated four of them. Besides managing projects, she has participated as an evaluator of technology projects of the Ministry in charge. Her works are quoted in doctor’s dissertations, master’s thesis, original scientific studies, monographs and university textbooks.

During 1988 she took part in an one month advanced training in Tashkent (SSSR) on researching anatomy of white and black mulberry trees, and in 1989 in advanced training at Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew in London with the goal to adopt new methods of work in the field of tree anatomy.

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