Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Kavran, CC. Professor of the Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of the Belgrade Uni-versity. Vice-President of the Personnel Committee of the World Administrative Sciences Association, Fellow of the Public Administration Society of USA, American Management Academy and of the Management Academy of UK; President of the Association of Cadres Specialists of Yugoslavia, President of the Federal Committee for the Reorganizatiopn of the State Administration, Director of the Institute for Higher Education, Vice-President of the Federal Union for Administration. Professor and lecturer at the Law schools in Novi Sad. Kragujevac, Nis, Banja Luka, Zagreb, Ljubljana, and at the Management Faculties in Belgrade and Kranj. Visting Professor at universities in USA, Italy, UK, Portugal and Sweden.. Special technical Adviser for Public Administration of the UN General Secretary (1981/6). Born in 1933 in Belgrade. Married, father of a daughter Olga and a son Pavle. Resides in Belgrade (Serbia, Yugoslavia).
Author of more than 260 articles and essays. Worked in more than 40 countries around the Globe on State Administration projects. Published books: Management in an International Context (with others), Science of Management, Management and Interpersonal Relations, Organization and Methods, System of Monitoring and Development of Manpower (with others), Manpower Planning (with others), Management, Organization and Manpower, Management Law (with others), Dynamics of the Manpower Structures, etc.