Prof. dr Slobodan Perović

Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perovic, CC, SASA, Doctor of Laws and Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade and Head of the Department of Civil Law. President of the Scientific Society of Serbia. President of the Yugoslav Bar Association. Member of the International Commercial Arbitration. Founder of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law. Editor of the magazine “Legal Life”, the magazine “Science Review” and the chairman of the editorial board of the Library of Classics of Yugoslav Law. Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the “General Encyclopedia of Law”, etc. He was born in 1932 in Prokuplje. Married, daughter and son. Lives in Belgrade.

He is the author of many books, including: Obligation Law, Formal Contracts in Civil Law, Prohibited Contracts in Property Relations, Retroactivity of Law – Theory of Conflict of Law and Time, Legal and Philosophical Debates, Natural Law and Court, Justice and Acquired Rights, Commutative Justice and Compensation, The Rule of Law and the Crisis of the Legal System, Theory of Public Order, The Treaty as an Act of Moral and Legal Civilization, Justice and Dignity of Justice, Property Issues, Let’s Go Back to the School of Natural Law, Hexagon of Natural Law, Between Sensuality and Intelligence of Law, Three Misconceptions – Obstacles to the Establishment of the Rule of Law, The Legality of Natural Rights, etc.